
We love 'em don't we? actual fact, I don't know anyone who is a self-proclaimed animal lover to not love (and most likely own) a dog.  I personally love painting their portraits as the pure love and devotion reflected in their eyes always warms my heart and restores my faith in the world.

Here is a selection of some of the dog portraits I have been commissioned to do over the years, in various mediums, created using the methods of painting on canvas, pencils on paper, or in digital format.

I do hope you will enjoy browsing my work and if you would like to have your dog's portrait done, then please don't hesitate to contact me via the link in the header.

It is a work in oil on canvas and although it was painted many years ago now, I can remember every brushstroke. She was considered an all black furred dog but when the sun caught her, there were truly a myriad of colours reflected in her coat, I could literally look at her for hours.

She was my best friend in all the world (apart from my husband) and we loved her.

Next, is Skooby, a commission that came in as a direct result of seeing my portrait of Skye.

The reference photo was a little blurred and unfortunately, the flash had completely taken all detail from his eyes, so I had to use my existing knowledge and previous experience to paint them in convincingly.

This is him captured on his comfy blanket no doubt waiting for a tasty treat to come his way!

He is a work in acrylic on canvas and was gifted as a birthday surprise for the customer's husband, which I have on good authority, loved it!

Skye - oil on canvas

This one is of my beloved Sprocker Spaniel called Skye, who we lost to serious illness at the age of 10, so this portrait holds a very special place in my heart.

Skooby - acrylic on canvas

Oslo - coloured pencils on paper

Here is Oslo, a cheeky little West Highland Terrier who is the beloved companion of the lovely couple who commissioned this drawing of him.

The initial brief was for a small A4 drawn portrait in black and white on paper, which I completed but then scanned into my computer and printed out on heavyweight cartridge paper.

I wanted to experiment with adding colour, so overlayed the print with high-grade oil-based coloured pencil and the result was so good, I emailed the customer to show them.

They loved both versions and so they bought them...Result!

Lord Rua of Shillington - digital art

This handsome devil is a Greyhound Saluki Cross who certainly knows which side his bread is buttered!

According to his owners, the sight of him adopting a regal posture in their leather fireside chair has become quite common!

As he was becoming more advanced in years, they felt it important to have his portrait done and they were happy for me to create it digitally using this photo which they snapped because it was not only hilarious, but also totally adorable!

A high-resolution print was made of it and the customer purchased the digital file in order to make more copies as well as being able to share it on social media and to have it as a screen saver.

Digital artwork is becoming more and more popular as it is often more cost-effective, versatile, and better for the environment too!.