The two sons of this lovely couple commissioned a portrait in oil on canvas of their parents, Ken and Doreen, to commemorate their 60 years of marriage and to be presented to them at a special party the boys had arranged.

I was given a good long lead-in time of almost 12 months to complete the work and to ensure it was going to be dry enough to be framed and presented.

As there were no suitable recent photographs of the couple, I was tasked with the job of meeting them for a special photo-shoot.

This meant that the portrait couldn't be presented as a total surprise, but they took it all in good spirits and I was able to get some lovely relaxed reference shots for the painting.

As they both loved gardening, and the weather was just right, we took to the patio for tea and snacks whilst I snapped away!

To see the painting in it's entirety, please scroll down.