This commission was a joint request from a family who wanted to present their parents with something unique and unforgettable to commemorate their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

One of their daughters took control of the details of the commission and selected this picture she had taken of her parents on her phone as the reference photo for me to work from.

It was quite a low image quality so not all of the details were as sharp as I would have ideally liked, but I accepted the challenge anyway, as it was to be a total surprise and none of the other siblings had an alternative suitable photo to put forward.

The overall size and shape of the portrait were no larger than standard A3 (roughly 30 x 40cm) and the medium of choice was acrylic.

Below is a comparison image to demonstrate the achievement in likeness and character and a photo of the couple receiving their gift. The family titled this painting 'Fields of Gold' and played the song during the presentation, which apparently was a very emotional experience for all involved!