Snug as a Bug

What better way to relax than in bed, wrapped in a snuggly onesie with your favourite snacks...this little guy knows how to enjoy himself that's for sure!

The reference photo was a little on the low-resolution side, so I had my work cut out in defining his features to achieve a likeness but luckily, the vibrant colours and the 'story' of the image, gave me plenty to work with in terms of character.

I began with a simple line drawing, editing out any superfluous elements from the composition, before rendering the subtle tones and linear qualities of the face with a light touch.

I then went on to layer up on the rich vibrant primary colours in the clothing with high-grade oil-based pencils to make those primary colours pop against the neutral tones on the background.

The finished piece can be viewed in its entirety by scrolling down the page.